What is Actually Beautiful

Hey guys!

So, today is something a little different but it’s been weighing so heavily on me that I felt the need to share. The last month has held some of the hardest trials I’ve ever endured and at times I’ve felt like I couldn’t possibly hit a lower point. As I sat down to publish a tutorial about baking concealer, (which will come, I promise), I realized that there are more important things to discuss. So, lets. I want to start out by acknowledging that no amount of makeup will make a person genuinely beautiful. Yes, it sounds cheesy, but beauty to me is so much more than physical appearance. If you look back on the last week, there is sure to have been ups and downs. If you’re like me, you’ve likely looked in the mirror AT LEAST once to pick yourself apart. So, you hate your hair, your face is breaking out, you wish your teeth were whiter or you wish you hadn’t eaten those French fries at chick-fil-a. Maybe it’s not your appearance that’s stressing you out. Maybe your boyfriend left you, maybe you can’t get a grip on your grades, or maybe you don’t know how you’re going to afford to pay bills this month. I get it. Believe me, I’m extremely guilty of allowing myself to get so far in the dumps before I even have a chance to realize it. When is the last time you stopped to think about how you’ve affected someone else this week? What have you done to make someone else smile, or make their day a little bit easier? Everyone is going through something, and sometimes even the smallest gestures can mean the most. As I was heading to class this week, a stranger paid for my Starbucks. It was both a blessing and a lesson for me. I realized I had been so focused on my own pity that I hadn’t taken a chance to be a blessing to someone else. I’ve spent the remainder of my week trying to change that. Be kind, and help others. The world is as beautiful as is it messed up, and taking the chance to love even a complete stranger could make a huge difference. The stranger who bought my drink didn’t know how much I was struggling this week, yet their act of kindness was a light to my day and inspiration to be a light to someone else. Yes, makeup is fun, but beauty is truly something from within. Take the chance to be a blessing to someone else this week, because loving others is the most pure form of beauty there is.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. –Ephesians 4:2”

Reporting to you live from my emotions,


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